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Reach 10

What is Reach 10?

Reach 10 is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to give young adults a voice to talk openly and nonjudgmentally about such topics like healthy sexuality and pornography. In her book “This Is What America Looks Like”, Ilhan Omar, US Representative for Minnesota’s 5th congressional district and social activist writes, “I grew up knowing that hard things only get harder when you don’t have real conversations about them.” Within this last year, I have experienced the awakening and alleviating power that comes through having REAL conversations about a REAL TOPIC.

My Story as a Porn Addict

I am one of the many young adults, both men and women, boys and girls, who have had a history of struggling with an addiction to pornography and masturbation. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I felt like for years I was underwater, desperately gasping for air. I was eager to find the help I needed, but found no long-term solutions to my addiction. Growing up, I graciously received counsel from parents, church leaders, therapists, but no matter how hard I fought, to no avail, I still experienced relapses and setbacks. The accumulation of shame and guilt over the years took a toll on my mental health. I experienced feeling feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, worthlessness, low self-esteem, self loathing, and feeling unlovable.

Since learning about Reach 10 a year ago, my life has had a 180 degree shift, because I have FINALLY found the resources necessary for life-long recovery. I am forever grateful for God’s mercy and grace in planting those people in my life who have been instrumental in my recovery process. Now, I am more intentional with what I do everyday. I am more committed to become the best version of myself. I am more honest with myself, others, and God. I am more confident. I know more of my identity. I feel more joy on a daily basis. I now have a greater outlook on life’s meaning and purpose. I love life.

If there is one thing that I have learned this past year, it is that there is no recovery without connection. Connection and vulnerability extinguish shame and guilt. If you and/or a loved one is struggling with an addiction to pornography and masturbation, please reach out. I promise healing and strength that will come through connection.

What’s Next?

On October 6th, I will have the opportunity to speak on Reach 10’s “Breaking the Silence” podcast, hosted by Creed Orme and Crishelle Simons! In order to prepare to listen to my podcast episode, I would invite everyone to first please visit Reach 10’s website, subscribe to their newsletter, start listening to the Breaking the Silence podcast (featured on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other audio platforms), and like them on Facebook and Instagram! Reach 10 has a goal of reaching 1,000 subscribers on Instagram by the end of the year, so every following will make a difference!

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