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True Identity

Semiannually, leaders from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints hold a general conference that is broadcasted worldwide. The October 2020 conference had many relevant themes that addressed concerns and struggles people are currently faced with.

Tomorrow will mark 7 months since March 12th, when BYU students received notice that the remainder of winter semester classes would be held online. Since then, millions of Americans, my family included, have been directly affected by the onslaught of the pandemic. Back in March, California issued the statewide shelter-in-place executive order. My mom, dad, and sister have since been confined to our home in California, only leaving to go grocery shopping and occasional bike rides. My sister since the start of the pandemic has been accepted to UCSB (I’m so proud of her!), but because of COVID-19, has chosen to live at home for the foreseeable future. My brother, sister-in-law, and their precious dog Daisy’s lives have also been affected.

In the last 7 months, I have heard it all: cancelled study abroads, mission reassignment, job lay off, death of a loved one, positive cases of COVID-19, temporal closing of businesses, church, and temple, cancellation of social gatherings, natural disasters, not to mention the ample amount of mental health issues. Since March, I have found myself asking the question “Why me?” and many times due to restrictions to attend social gatherings, I often catch myself ruminating over thoughts of loneliness, worthlessness, and self-pity. It can be frustrating not being able to get what you want, when you want it.

From the October conference, Michelle D. Craig shares this insight: “Perhaps the most important things for us to see clearly are who God is and who we really are - sons and daughters of heavenly parents, with a “divine nature and eternal destiny.” Ask God to reveal these truths to you, along with how He feels about you. The more you understand your true identity and purpose, soul deep, the more it will influence everything in your life.”

I invite everyone to take Sister Craig’s counsel to ask God to reveal these truths to you, along with how He feels about you.

Recently, instead of listening to my music on the way back from the gym to my apartment, I choose to unplug my Airpods and spend the 10-15 minute walk back going through my mental checklist of things to do that day. This time also allows me to connect with God, as my eyes are drawn to the beautiful Wasatch Front Mountains that overlook BYU.

I invite everyone to take time to unplug and connect with God.

Lastly, please take time these next 6 months to review the conference talks and share what you learned with family, friends, etc. Conference talks can be read or listened to here:


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